Post 5 : My future job

Hello again, welcome to a new blog. This chance I’ll talk about the kind of job I would like to have.

Since I was very little, I wanted to work with my dad and uncle, in the Ministry of Environment and now as a student of Engineering in Natural Resources, I see myself working on it in the future

I always had a passion for life forms, nature and protecting the environment, so I decided to study something where I could learn and help as much as the environment and people.

When choosing a job, I wouldn’t stand for private company that wants to take advantage of natural resources and destroy the environment. I think I’d try to find a job in the Ministry and do my best to protect our resources and people.

If I were asked in a job interview about my strengths and weaknesses I don’t really think I could tell everything about me, since I got low self-esteem I would just mess everything up,  I’d try to be as sincere as possible but avoiding the negative things, like the anxiety problems and insecurity that often affects me.

Also I have the dream to work as a game developer, maybe one day I will make my own videogame, but for now, I think is more important the problems that hit our world nowadays


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    1. If you follow the first option, you could even be a minister.


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