Post 8 : Personal Opinions

Hello everyone, today I'm going to give my opinion about article 13.

What's article 13? You may be asking. The European parlament voted in favour of this article to update the copyright laws, to make sure that copyrighted materially isn’t being illegaly shared on online platforms, such as Twitter, Youtube, Tublr, etc. 

I honestly think this is utterly ridiculous, the article 13 and 11 snatch away the posibilities of content creators to being successful in this plataforms, since all the music, videos and even images are copyrighted by big companies, it will be illegal even to share memes in social media. Only the owners of this content(companies) will be able to upload and share in the internet.

I think it's important to know about this articles, even if this change will only afect the European Union, there's always the posibility that this spreading to other countries.


  1. wow, that`s so bad. I hope that situation don't arrives to America.

  2. Wow, that's incredible, I didn't know about it! :o

  3. Wow! Its good to know things like that.


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